Hello World, my name is Ashton Little

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I've recently completed Harvard CS50x and Scrimba's Frontend Career Path. I'm now enhancing my skills through solo projects. Excitingly, I'm about to start the Tech Elevator Bootcamp in Columbus, Ohio, to further refine my software development expertise.

I'm passionate about cycling, Nintendo, guitars, vinyl, and raw denim.

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Hyrule Project

The Hyrule Project utilizes CSS, HTML, and JavaScript to build a responsive and accessible website. It adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring an optimal viewing experience. Accessibility features, including semantic HTML, alt attributes, and color contrast, make it usable for all users. JavaScript adds interactivity, with dynamic image changes on hover. This project enhanced my skills in web development, including HTML structure, CSS styling, responsive design, accessibility, JavaScript interactivity, and project organization.

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It's-a me, Mario!

This project was born out of my deep passion for the beloved Mario franchise and my dedication to honing my web development skills. With a focus on responsive web design, I embarked on a journey to create a captivating website that seamlessly adapts to different devices. By harnessing the power of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and a touch of love, I aimed to deliver an optimal browsing experience for users, regardless of their screen size or device.

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WebMarks is an application that simplifies the process of accessing frequently visited websites and enhances productivity. With WebMarks, users can easily save and organize their favorite websites, enabling them to quickly find the information they are looking for and stay focused on their coding tasks. Additionally, the application offers a goal-setting feature, empowering users to set targets and track their progress throughout the day.

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Rusch Guitars

This project is a practical demonstration of how CSS, Bootstrap, HTML, Design, and JavaScript can be utilized to improve the visual appeal and functionality of a website. The objective was to redesign the original Rusch Guitars website and to create a cohesive and engaging website. The process involved analyzing the current website, planning and creating a wireframe, implementing the design using CSS and Bootstrap, structuring content with HTML, and adding interactivity with JavaScript.

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